Baby Watch....
We are now in week 36 of our pregnancy and I am beginning to get a little antsy now. The baby room is pretty much finished so I am not worried about that, but it is a little nerve racking thinking about having him here in person not just in my belly where I can easily tote him around. I am beginning to realize this is going to be an adjustment learning how to get around with a toddler and a baby. I am so excited though and can't wait to meet him, and start feeling like a normal person with a normal body again. My most recent doctor appointment went well. Doctor says I'll be going 41 weeks again this time around because so far the baby is still really high, but everything looks good. At my last ultrasound the technician said he was measuring a week ahead. That has me a little nervous thinking the baby is bigger and i'm expected to go a week past my due date. Haha well I trust the Lord that labor and delivery will all happen according to his will and in his good time. We finally decided to call him CALVIN! the name means "Bald One" but we are hoping that won't play out to his future. Haha!! Annie and I have been watching A Baby Story on tv and I think she is actually making the connection that there is a real baby in my belly from watching it somehow. Now she pats my stomach and says "baby brother" and "Calvin". She is so smart these days, of course I think every parent would say that about their child. She does talk so much now with words that we understand and she understands so much of what we ask of her. Like when she comes out of her room during nap time and we tell her to go back to bed she will turn around, go back in her room, and close the door to go back to bed. HaHa!!! I think that about wraps up the baby watch. I'll keep you updated as we get closer. In the meantime enjoy some of these pictures of our summer Days
Scott and I got so use a gift card and enjoy a nice dinner at Flemmings. I must say the steak was comparable to Ruth Chris steak house, and that is saying a lot! Everything we had was delicious. I love this man! He is so handsome and loving and kind and caring. He is a wonderful father and husband, and so darn good looking!!!
Annie has been enjoying her little pool out on the deck.
Her cousin Hudson came over to join in the fun.
Annie loves her bubble baths!
We have also been swimming at the YMCA, and this time Uncle Ben, Aunt Bri and Nana got to join Annie and she loved playing with them all in the water.
Libby and Ty-Ty were there too.
We just went to Dolly wood this past Thursday and I have to say I don't think I'll be going back until this baby comes and the weather cools a little. We went with my sister and her kids, they all had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the joy on their faces while riding the rides, but it was very hot and humid, and I couldn't ride any of the rides with them. Not that I would want to join them on this little piggy ride, but hey there were some I would have loved to ride. Annie loved the rides.
You can't go to a theme park like Dolly Wood and not indulge in a funnel cake. Ughh!! Just looking at this picture makes me want to go back and buy another one. Or go to the store and buy stuff to make some at home.
Cow appreciation day at Chick-Fil-A. Annie and I both got free meals for dressing up like cows! YAY!!!
We saw all our friends there too. Here are all our kiddos dressed up. Can you say Cute!!!
Don't know how these got out of place but here are more pics from dolly wood. Annie and Ty-Ty waiting to ride the dumbo ride.
Her first big ride of her life. Aunt Shanny had to take her because you are not allowed to ride any rides if you are pregnant, and I definitely couldn't hide the fact that I was pregnant.
A kiddy ride that did not require any adults to ride with them. It was so fun for all of them.
She loves the carousel. That is one that I rode on even though the sign said no pregnant people. Haha! It's all good though.
Our last ride of the day was the cars that you can somewhat steer in the 50's section of the park. Annie got to drive and she loved it as you can see. She was good at driving in the beginning, but seemed to lose her concentration. Oh Boy!!! This is a scary picture, I'm thinking 13 years from now I will be seeing this in a real car. I don't even want to think about that yet.
Well that brings us up to date so i'll leave you at that.
Your Truly!